Balu Raguraman, an accomplished Carnatic violinist, has showcased his artistry on global stages, collaborating with musicians spanning Western classical, jazz, and African traditions. Renowned for his adaptability and innovation, Balu has shared the spotlight with legendary figures such as Dr. Balamurali Krishna, Dr. N Ramani, and Umayalpuram Shivaraman. Engaged in The Bhavan's exclusive music series "Bhinna Abhinna," Balu contributes to a collaborative endeavor uniting diverse genres and styles under one harmonious umbrella.
Jyotsna Srikanth’s sliding violin is a mainstay of Europe’s global music circuit. Aged five she heard Carnatic violin fo...
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Ranjani and Gayatri are two sisters who sing and play Carnatic music on violin. They were born into a musical family,...
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Kala Ramnath is one of India’s most adept violinists, sliding around the fretboard in a strikingly vocalistic style....
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Mysore Manjunath and Mysore Nagaraj are among Carnatic music’s leading violinists. Trined principally by their father...
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